Conscious Box recently announced a special Summer Mystery Box packed full of eco-friendly goodies. They’ve offered these in the past and they were awesome, so I wasted no time ordering one this time around… Besides, who doesn’t love a good mystery box? (Wackos, that’s who!)
Alright, let’s dive right in and see what I got!

Cuppow – I actually got this in my last mystery box too. I’m not complaining though, since it’s an almost $10 item. It’s a lid that transforms regular mason jars into travel mugs. Neat concept, despite my lack of mason jars. (Amazon Price: $9.17)
Pride Green Trash Bag – This is made with recycled materials and takes less time to “naturally assimilate”. A normal bag can take up to 1,000 years, but this one only takes 18-36 months. (Amazon Price: roughly $0.28)

Peeled Snacks – I’ve gotten these in a few different boxes. This Berry Crunch flavor is my favorite. These are all natural snacks made with organic apples. Each packet contains one whole serving of fruit. (Amazon Price: roughly $1.34)
Sahale Snacks Cashews – Glazed cashews with pomegranate and vanilla. These sound (and look) pretty damn good! (Amazon Price: roughly $0.75)

Surthrival Biodegradable Toothbrush – 100% natural toothbrush with bamboo handle and biodegradable bristles. It may not be as pretty as standard toothbrushes, but at least this one won’t sit in a landfill for decades! (Amazon Price: $5.49)

Flavrz Liquid Drink Mix (2) – In “Revive” and “Boost”. These are super popular in subscription box land. They’re everywhere. I’ve gotten about a half dozen in the last couple months. I don’t mind them. You just mix a packet with water for an all natural flavor boost. (Amazon Price: roughly $2.42 for 2 packets)
Natural Vitality Natural Calm – Raspberry-lemon flavor. This is an anti-stress drink mix that “balances your calcium intake and restores healthy magnesium levels”. (Amazon Price: roughly $0.50)

Teeccino Maya Herbal Coffee – Organic French Roast coffee alternative. Caffeine free. Made with roasted ramon nuts. Each packet makes 6 cups and can be brewed just like regular coffee. (Amazon Price: roughly $4.00 for 2 packets)
EatWhatever – Breath freshener. Packet contains one caplet that you swallow and one traditional mint. Vegan, gluten free & sugar free. (Amazon Price: roughly $0.38)

7th Heaven Miracle Mud Mask – 100% natural facial mask made with naturally sourced and organic ingredients. Absolutely nothing artificial. (Retail price: $2.99)
L’Ecuyer’s Gourmet Soap – Homemade goat’s milk soap in “chocolate mint”. This smells soooo good! I just wish it wasn’t made with goat’s milk so that I could actually use it. Boo. (This is a tiny sample, so I’ll guess-timate the price at $0.25)
Conscious Ink Tattoos – “Gratitude” temporary tattoo. I dunno. I like my tattoos permanent. And personal. Kind of a random thing to include in a box. (Retail price: $2.00)
Healthy HooHoo – Gentle feminine cleanser – “Gentle care for down there”! I don’t really have a need for this, cos I’ve never had issues with a dirty “hoohoo”. However, I do appreciate the name and will keep the packet just for chuckles. (Amazon Price: $0.48 per packet)
Swipes Lovin’ Wipes – Wow, Conscious Box is really concerned about the cleanliness of my hoohoo. Yeesh. This is an all-natural wipe for use “down there”. Biodegradable & flushable. (Amazon Price: $0.15 per wipe)

Ojio Raw Organic Hemp Seeds – Yay! I actually love raw hemp seeds. I’ve gotten them in previous boxes and was surprised by how much I liked them. I usually sprinkle them on my granola for an extra nutritional boost. (Amazon Price: roughly $2.49 for this size)
Q.bel Whole Grain Crispy Wafers – Minty Mint flavor with Belgian chocolate. 100% natural, made in the Netherlands. I wish they didn’t have egg so I could try them. Wahhh. (Amazon Price: $1.40)
Sacred Chocolate MYLK – This is a TINY little piece of chocolate. Like, super tiny. I ate it and immediately wanted more. The dairy-free “milk” chocolate flavor was SO good. Yum. (Guess-timated price: $0.25)
Parma! Vegan Parmesan – Ooh! I’m excited to try this. I’ve never had vegan parmesan before. It’s gluten-free, dairy-free and contains no soy. I might try it on popcorn. Mmm. (Guess-timated price: $0.50)

Yogi Tea – “Egyptian Licorice” and “Ginger”. I’m a fan of Yogi tea and love the ginger ones. The licorice, not so much. (Amazon Price: $0.42 for 2 bags)
Organic India – Tulsi tea in “Original” and “Green Tea”. (Amazon Price: $0.40 for 2 bags)
Now that’s a packed Mystery Box! They sold for $17 and when I totaled up everything in my box it came to $35.66! Score!
Want to check out Conscious Box for yourself? Well… The bad news? These mystery boxes are sold out. The good news? You can get a FREE box (just pay shipping) by clicking here and using the code “ONEFREE“! Awesome!
Disclosure: I paid for this box. I was not compensated in any way. All opinions are my own. Amazon prices subject to change. Post contains affiliate/referral links.
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