Phone Case of the Month is a new subscription for… wait for it… phone cases!
Yep, you can give your beloved iPhone a brand new look every month with these super cute cases. Plus, all of the artwork is exclusive to Phone Case of the Month, so you’re definitely not gonna find these designs anywhere else (well, unless someone rips ’em off… but let’s hope they don’t!). They also limit the production of each design to 200 cases, so the chances of someone you know having the same case as you is very, very slim.
Oh, and these aren’t some crappy, barely fits your phone, cheaply made cases either. I’ve been using mine for a week now and I love it. They coat them with silicone for a nice, soft feel. I was afraid it might be a shiny, smooth surface, and it’s totally not. The artwork/printing is top notch too. This is quality stuff, friends! 😉 [read more…]