Vegan Cuts, the folks behind the awesome Vegan Cuts Snack Box, have just shipped out their very first “Beauty” box. It’s a skincare/makeup/body care box that features products that are cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. I wouldn’t normally be all that interested in a box like this (I’m just not into makeup-y stuff), but it was their first one, so I was curious. Plus, it was only $19.95 and promised to have $65 worth of products in it. So I took the bait.
I got the box today and was immediately bummed out by its size. It was a VERY small package. And as we all know, size does matter. At least with subscription boxes. 😉
I held out hope that it would wow me, tiny box aside, but… it didn’t. I don’t know if it’s because of my indifference towards most “beauty” products, high expectations (considering the awesomeness of the snack box), or if it really was just… lacking. I’ll let you decide… [read more…]