My Giggle Box is a monthly subscription box full of crafts & fun projects for kiddos aged 3-7. Every box includes detailed instructions, along with all of the materials needed for each activity.
There are 2 different box types to choose from: The Standard Activity Kit & The Ultimate Activity Kit. The Standard Kit is $19.99/mo and includes 1 craft, 1 activity, The Giving Project, an activity/coloring sheet, and a recipe. The Ultimate Activity kit is $29.99/mo and includes crafts, activities, Parent & Me, The Giving Project, Outdoor Adventures, activity sheets, fun facts, a recipe, and a hardcover book. Add-On Kits are also available so siblings won’t have to fight over which activities they each get to do (cos you KNOW it’s gonna happen!).
I was sent August’s Ultimate Activity Kit to review. The theme this month was “A Day at Camp”. Let’s see what was in the box!

There was a cute info sheet/card attached to the lid of the box that explained the theme and what kind of activities you’ll be doing this month.

If you’re gonna be craftin’, you’re probably gonna be gluein’ & cuttin’. My Giggle Box has you covered with a full-sized bottle of glue and a kiddie-sized pair of scissors. To keep your glue supply stocked, they’ll send you a new bottle 4 times a year. If you break (or lose) your scissors, no problem! Let them know and they’ll send a new pair!

Craft #1: Compass Necklace. “Every explorer needs their trusty compass when out on their adventure!” This looks like an easy enough craft for a kid (and a craft-challenged mom) to do. It’s basically just stringing beads and glueing things. Easy! Of course all of the materials needed are included in the package — right down to the tiny little compass.

Craft #2: Camping Hat. “Every camper needs a hat to keep the hot sun off of them!” This kit includes a white sun hat, as well as painting supplies for your little one to decorate the hat any way they choose. Again, another simple, straight-forward project that anyone can do.

Outdoor Adventures: Binoculars. Your kiddo can use these fun binoculars when they go exploring. Deck them out in their freshly painted sun hat and compass necklace & they’ll be good to go!

My Hiking Adventure: Take this adventure log on your hike and record what you see on the trail. There’s a grid of squares to draw in all of the things that you encounter. A small marker is attached with a piece of yarn so it’s always handy (and won’t get lost!).
Activity Page: A camping-related maze, word search, and connect the dots will keep your kiddo entertained after a long day of hiking fun.

The Giving Project: Nature Print. Make sure to have your little ones bring home a souvenir or two from their hike. Preferably something flat such as leaves, grass, flowers, etc. This activity involves making a nature print with the light-sensitive paper included in the envelope shown above. The finished print is intended to be given to someone your child loves, hence “The Giving Project”. Love this!

Parent & Me: Solar Oven. This project is one that definitely needs adult supervision, so it makes sense that it’s been chosen as the “Parent & Me” activity. You use the materials included to make a little solar oven for your little adventurer to use on their nature hike. If you have boys, or just twisted little girls, be sure to advise them against putting live specimens in this oven to “see what happens”. Maybe I’m just morbid, but I can sooo see a kid doing that. (Also, I just may have tried to fry an ant with a magnifying glass once or twice in my youth. Shhhh.)

Recipe: Solar Oven S’mores. Once you get your solar stove all set up, you’ll wanna see it in action. What better way than by making s’mores to cook in it?

Book: Rip Squeak and His Friends by Susan-Yost Filgate & Leonard Filgate. This is a nice, big hardcover book about a little mouse named Rip Squeak and his animal friends. It’s surprisingly long, so hopefully his won’t be the book your kids decide they want you to read every night before bed. 😉
I was very impressed with all of the different activities included in My Giggle Box. They all stuck to the theme pretty well too, which doesn’t happen too often in sub boxes. The projects were all relatively easy to figure out and were definitely things that most kids would enjoy doing. I LOVE getting things like this to store away until the girls are old enough to use ’em. 🙂
Interested in signing up for My Giggle Box? You can save $15 off your first Ultimate Activity Kit, or off any 3, 6, or 12 month subscription by clicking here!
My Giggle Box has also agreed to give away an Ultimate Activity Kit to one of my lucky readers. Woo! Just click the image below and do as the nice Rafflecopter says.
Good luck!
Disclosure: This box was provided for review purposes. I was not compensated in any other way. All opinions are my own. Contest open to US residents only, 18+. Prize fulfillment will be handled directly through My Giggle Box.
What a cute idea! How nice to have everything in there for you. 🙂
We have a lot of fun playing PlayDoh together!
Hide and seek!!
My 4y som loves everything with paint, specially finger/hand painting.
My kidos really like to paint, use markers, and use playdough! My daughter likes all sorts of crafts – especially with stickers!
We like to do crafts, read books and “play guys” (his super heros!) 🙂
We love to craft together!
How do you get the discount? I clicked on your link but it just came up at full price?
Strange! I just tried it out myself and you’re right… It used to take off the discount once you added the kit to the shopping cart. I just sent an email to them to see what’s up. Sorry for the inconvenience & thanks for letting me know! 🙂
Here’s the new link:
It should work now! 😀