Healthy Surprise is a monthly subscription box for snacks. Oh, but not any ol’ snacks — vegan snacks! Yep, each box is packed full of vegan/gluten-free/soy-free all-natural goodness! Perfect for those with food allergies, vegans (duh), or anyone who wants to eat a little healthier.
All snacks are FULL SIZE — no teeny samples here! You can choose from 3 different box sizes: Starter (16-20 servings), Healthy (32-40 servings), or Large (48-60 servings). Boxes start at $33/month and you can cancel at anytime. (But why would you want to?)
As a vegan who’s quite the fan of snacks, I was super excited when Healthy Surprise agreed to send me a Starter box for review. The box arrived within a few days (they don’t mess around when it comes to shipping!), and I dug right into it.

Holy crap! That’s a whole lotta snacks!

Matt’s Munchies Mango Acai Fruit Snack – These were SO good. Like a healthy fruit roll-up. They were thin, 2-inch squares of fruity goodness that you had to peel from a big sheet of folded waxed paper. They had a sweet, tangy flavor with just the right amount of chewiness. Oh, and the whole package was only 40 calories. I want more! (Amazon Price: $2.33)
Happy Hemp Toasted Hemp Seeds – I have yet to try these, but I have had hemp seeds before, so I’m sure I’ll like ’em. I mean, hemp is hemp, right? (Amazon Price: $1.25)

MacroLife Naturals Miracle Reds Superfood Bar – This sounds ridiculously healthy: Contains anti-oxidants & probiotics. Made with goji, acai, and pomegranate. Raw & gluten-free. Oh, and according to the package, it’s made with “pure love”. Awwww. Hope love tastes good. (Amazon price: $1.92)
Sprouties Savory Sprouted Sunflower Seeds – Oooh… savory seeds! These look pretty tasty. You can see all of the spices swimming around in the package. They’re organic and a portion of the proceeds from the product are given to support “cow protection”. Hey, any company that supports my cow friends is cool with me. (Retail price: $1.19)
Righteously Raw Chocolates – I don’t think I’ve ever had raw chocolate before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. 3 different flavors were included – Divine Mint, Synergy Spice, and Pure Dark. I decided to try the mint one first and I wasn’t sure if I liked it. It didn’t taste like “normal” chocolate, but that’s kinda the point. It’s all natural and contains no refined sugars, chemicals, gluten, etc. After the first little nibble, my taste buds gave in and the rest of it was pretty enjoyable. Different, but enjoyable. (Amazon Price: $1.25/each)

Peter Rabbit Organics Pear and Pea Puree – I love getting these pouches. Everly doesn’t touch anything green, so we gave this to Chloe. She gladly devoured the whole pouch. (Amazon price: $1.43)

Seasnax in Original & Chipotle – Ah, seaweed. This stuff seems to be really popular among subscription box companies as of late. Even baby boxes have included these natural snacks from the sea. My only experience with seaweed (besides the obvious) was in miso soup, and you bet your booty that I picked every little bit of it out. I know some people love this junk stuff, and that’s great. It’s just not for me. (Who wants my seaweed?) (Amazon Price: $1.34)

California Snax Kale Taliano Kale Chips – Pizza flavored kale?! Yep. I’ll be honest, I was pretty hesitant to try this. I’m not the biggest kale fan, so I didn’t have high hopes. HOWEVER, this stuff seriously TASTES LIKE PIZZA! It really does. It even has a pizza-y aftertaste. How’d they do that?! Want your kids (or yourself) to enjoy kale? Pizza-fy that shiz! (I couldn’t find these anywhere – so I’ll guess $5.00)

Rawma Bar in Sesame Mango – Alright, I gotta be honest. I did NOT like this bar. I’ve had other raw bars and really liked them, so I was kinda bummed that I didn’t dig this one too. I’m not even sure what it was that tasted so weird to me, but of all the snacks this was the only one I ended up tossing. I just couldn’t do it. Sorry, Rawma Bar. It’s not you, it’s me. (Amazon Price: $1.79)
Oskri Dates Walnuts Bar – Right after chucking the Rawma Bar, I gave this one a try. Thankfully, this was a lot more enjoyable. It had 4 simple ingredients — dates, walnuts, puffed rice, and pecans. The puffed rice definitely added a much appreciated “crunch”. (Amazon Price: $2.31)
I’ve only had the box for about a week or so, and most of it is already gone. 🙁 I miss you, snacks! Come back!
If you’d like to get some health-ily(?!) awesome snacks delivered to your door every month, check out the Healthy Surprise box options here. Oh, and use “HEALTHY10” to save $10 on your first box! Happy snacking!!
Disclosure: This box was provided for review purposes. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own. Amazon prices subject to change. Post contains affiliate links.
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