Daily Dose of Green boxes always show up right as the new month begins. I’m always pleasantly surprised when I open my mailbox and see it sitting there, atop all of the boring junk mail. It’s definitely nice not having to anxiously wait all month for a box to arrive. Not that I ever do that or anything… Ahem…
If you’re not aware, Daily Dose of Green is a monthly subscription service that specializes in eco-friendly (and mostly vegan) products. Household items, skincare, makeup, snacks, etc. It’s only $15/month, shipping included.
This month’s theme is Healthy Snacks. Woohoo! I sure do like me some snackage.

Homefree Cookies (Chocolate Chip & Double Chocolate Chip) – Heck. Yes. These were the first things I saw when I opened the box. What’s better than a bag of cookies? — TWO bags of cookies! I checked to make sure they were vegan (they are!) and tore into the ones on the right. SO FREAKIN’ GOOD. The second bag will surely be gone by the end of the night as well.
Update: The second bag was indeed gone by the end of the night… and it was glorious.

22 Days Chocolate Cherry Bliss Bar – I’ve seen these in other boxes, but this is my first time receiving one. It sounds pretty yummy — chocolate, almonds & cherries — gluten/soy/dairy-free. I’ll update this once I’ve tried it, but I have a feeling it’s going to be faaan-tastic.

22 Days Vanilla Protein Powder – I’ve always assumed stuff like this is just for athletes, so I’ve never tried it. However, a little more (plant-based) protein can’t hurt. At first I was bummed to see it was vanilla, but now I’m cool with it since I plan to mix it into my next strawberry/banana/soy yogurt smoothie. Chocolate wouldn’t have fit in too well at that fruit party.
Update: Threw the whole pouch into my trusty Magic Bullet with my regular smoothie ingredients. It was super thick, so I added some soy milk too. The result was a glue-like consistency that was kinda hard to enjoy. I’m thinking I’ll just use half a packet (or less) next time. Vanilla flavored glue isn’t really my cup o’ tea (smoothie).

Okay, Chloe isn’t technically included in the June Daily Dose of Green box… But she was being so cute while I was taking photos for the review, that I had to include her. (And Everly — Also not included in the box.) Moving on…

Cousin Mary Jane’s Toasted Hemp Seeds and Hemp Hearts – haha I love that the package says “Everybody’s Doing It”. Nice. I’ve never tried toasted hemp seeds, but they’re seasoned with sea salt, so they can’t be too bad. I have had hemp hearts and I’m happy to get more. I like to sprinkle them on my granola for a little added flavor/texture.

Love Thyself Skincare Stretch Mark Formula – Women usually don’t care to admit (publicly, at least) that they have stretch marks, but when you’ve carried TWINS, it’s kind of a given. Thankfully, mine aren’t as bad as I feared they would be, but they’re there. I’m not too bothered by them, since no one really sees ’em, but I’m up for trying this cream. It’s vegan and “all natural”, so it can’t hurt.
Update: Slathered some on my belly/hip area last night. It was scent-free, so that was nice — didn’t interfere with the lavender body oil I used afterwards. No idea if it’ll do anything, but who knows…

Blissoma Refine Clay Mask Renewal Treatment – This is my “bonus item”. When you sign up, you get to fill out a profile that helps Daily Dose of Green personalize your boxes. I still have the mask that I got in my May box, but I’m not opposed to trying this. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure when to use it. Do I use my regular cleanser first? Is it okay to put toner/moisturizer on right afterwards? I’m such a skincare product newbie.
So there you have it. Another month, another good box. No household products this time, but I’m always a fan of snackables, so no complaints there. Actually, I’d be more than happy to see Homefree cookies in every box going forward. 😉
Interested in subscribing? Click the link below! (I think there’s still some Mystery Boxes available too!) Wanna read more reviews first? Click here!
Disclosure: I purchased this box and all opinions are my own. I was not reimbursed in any way. I just really like Daily Dose of Green! Post includes referral links.
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