It’s Conscious Box time again!
My tracking number told me that my box would be here on Monday, but it decided to show up Saturday afternoon instead. Hey, no complaints here.
I gotta say, after seeing some of the sneak peaks on their Facebook page, I was a little bummed that I didn’t get one of the products they hinted at. It was some kind of cupcake-shaped thing… A bath bomb maybe? Whatever it was, I wanted it. Bad. Don’t go enticing me with cupcakes and then not send one…That’s just cruel. No one likes a cupcake tease.
Alright, cupcake disappointment aside, here’s what I DID get:

What I saw when I opened the box… Snacks! I totally forgot to take a “full box” photo with all of the goods displayed… Once the camera’s left the room, it’s not comin’ back. 😉

Beanfield’s Bean & Rice Chips (Sea Salt) – I’ve had these before, but in (vegan) Nacho flavor. I didn’t care for those, but that was because of the nacho-i-ness. I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy these a lot more. Sea salt sounds a lot more appealing to me. Hopefully I do like them, since it’s a pretty good sized bag (as you can see from the first photo).

Nature’s Baby Organics Shampoo & Body Wash – I was super happy to see this in my box. I know a lot of people complain about getting baby stuff, but since I happen to have 2 of them, I’m always glad to get ’em. This shampoo/body wash is vegan/cruelty free and the vanilla tangerine scent smells freakin’ awesome. I’m almost tempted to use it on myself…

Skout Organic Trail Bar (Cherry & Vanilla) – According to the packing list on their website, I was supposed to get two of these bars. Where are you, Apple Cinnamon? I mentioned it on Facebook, so hopefully they’ll send me one… They’re usually good about making things right. As for the bar itself, I ate it shortly after opening my box. It wasn’t the best bar I’ve ever had, but not awful. I’d be down with trying the other flavor if it makes its way to my door.
UPDATE: I contacted customer service about my missing Skout bar and today (6/24) I received a box with FOUR Skout bars and another bag of Beanfield’s Chips. Now THAT is good customer service! Very impressed.

$50 Gift Card to – I’m not a big wine drinker (or much of a drinker at all), so I’m not sure if I’ll use this. Seems like a pretty good deal though.

LARABAR Alt Peanut Butter Cookie Fruit & Nut Bar – SO excited to try this! I love the chocolate LARABARs and this is one I’ve never seen before. It’s a protein bar with only 6 ingredients (the protein comes from peas!). Awesome.
UPDATE: I ate it and it was DELICIOUS! Like a crunchy peanut butter cookie. Mmm!

Paper Culture Greeting Card & Labels – Well this is different. A cute thank you card, six adhesive gift labels, and a $25 gift card to use on their website. All of the paper products they offer are made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Pretty neat.

Organic Flavrz Liquid Drink Mix (“Revive” & “Boost”) – These little packets are “organic hydration on the go”. Add it to water for a boost of flavor. Not really my thing, but I’ll give ’em a try.

Herbal Zap! Immune Support Supplement – I’ve said it before, and you best believe imma say it again — I HATE supplement samples. I don’t see the point. I mean, how are you going to know if it’s effective after one dose? Especially when it says to take it up to 4 times a day. Wiggity wack.
Son For Men Soothe Organic Aftershave – Something for the dudes! Mike’s been growing out his beard for months now (it’s kinda out of control), so he has no use for this right now. When he’s ready to retire the wolfman look, I’ll throw this his way.

True Natural Caribbean Coconut Sunscreen – This is a cute little pot of sunscreen that’s 100% mineral based, biodegradable, and free of harsh chemicals. Not the biggest sample, but nice to throw in your bag so you have some on hand for those times that you forget to apply some before you go out.
Lotus Moon Hibiscus Flower Facial Moisturizer – This says it’s for all skin types, but I’m always afraid to try new facial lotions. My skin is prone to breakouts, so I don’t like to stray from my usual brands. I’ll probably end up using this on my hands instead. 😉
So that’s my June Conscious Box. I’ll use most, if not all of the items, so I’m pretty happy with it. Of course, I would have been a lot happier if I would have gotten a certain mystery cupcake, but what can ya do.
Disclosure: I purchased this box with my own money. I was not re-compensated in any way. All opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links.
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