If someone were to ask me “What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received from your father?”, I wouldn’t have to give it a second thought. One phrase would immediately pop into my head and I’d proudly echo the words I’ve heard my dad proclaim many times throughout my life.
Was it some hokey Ward Cleaver-esque gem about always doing the right thing? Nope. Perhaps a famous quote about following your dreams? Not so much. The one piece of (not quite) fatherly advice that will stick with me forever?
“If it’s free, take it!”
Ah, yes, my father has instilled in me the gift of thrift.
The flair for frugality.
The craving for the saving.
So it’s only fitting that once I found out I was having twins, I was determined to get all the “multiples” discounts/freebies/coupons that I could dig up. Babies are NOT cheap. And twins? Pffft. I knew I’d need all the help I could get.
I scoured the internet for baby-related companies and dropped them emails asking if they offered any special discounts for multiples. Some companies requested actual proof of the twin births, some didn’t. Some offers were generous, some not so much. I kept a list of the companies I contacted, what they required from me, and what I ended up receiving. (Yeah, I kinda got really into this.)
So without further ado, I present to you…
Wendy’s Super Fantastic, Totally Tubular List O’ Freebies for Us Crazy Awesome Twin Moms
- Pampers (requested proof of birth) – Received coupons: one for a free pack of diapers (up to $13.99), one for $5.00 off, two for $2.00 off, and one for $1.00 off wipes.
- Luvs (requested proof of birth) – Received coupons: one for a free pack of diapers (up to $9.00), one for $4.00 off, two for $2.00 off, and one for $1.00 off wipes.
- Gerber (no proof needed) – Received coupons: one for $10 off any Gerber food items, two $3.00 coupons for formula.
- Tomy (requested proof of birth) – Received: 2 soft rattles, 2 sets of 4 colorful sippy cups with travel caps.

- Sprout (no proof needed) – Received: four coupons for $1.00 off.
- Ocean Spray (requested proof of birth) – Received: one coupon for a free product (up to $5.99) and one for 55 cents off.
- Enfamil (no proof needed) – Received: one coupon for $5.00 off formula. I also asked our pediatrician to enroll us in the Enfamil multiples program & received a case of free formula delivered to our door (12 cans!).
- Beechnut (no proof needed) – Received: various coupons, feeding guide.
- Seventh Generation (no proof needed) – Received: 12 diaper samples (3 different sizes), four coupons for 75 cents off any product, 3 sample packs of wipes, 2 samples of laundry detergent, 3 samples dish soap, and 2 samples of hand wash.

- Johnson & Johnson (no proof needed) – Received: three coupons for $1.00 off any of their products. (I used them for baby cotton swabs that were $1.49, so I only paid 49 cents. Not bad.)
- Earth’s Best (no proof needed) – Received: six coupons for wipes, diapers, baby food.
- Huggies (requested proof of birth) – Received: two coupons for $3.00 off, two coupons for $2.00 off. (I had to re-email them months after my request because I didn’t receive anything from them. They ended up sending me two separate mailings with the coupons mentioned above. Kind of disappointed though, as Pampers & Luvs offered MUCH better savings. Eh, Huggies are kinda shitty anyway… Their wipes tear too easily. But I digress…)
So there it is. My big list ‘o savings for us moms of twins (or more!). If anyone has any additions to the list, please send them my way & I’ll gladly add (and use!) them.