Okay, so after having kind of a so-so package last month, Vegan Presence totally made up for it with October’s offerings. From the festive Halloween-y ribbons, to the items they chose, it was probably my favorite package from them yet.
Some of my favorite things to enjoy during the autumn season (and, well, anytime) are hot tea, good chocolate, and scented candles… ALL of which can be found in this month’s Vegan Presence package. Hells. Yes.
Flying Bird Botanicals Jasmine Green Tea – I get a TON of tea in subscription boxes, so I usually don’t get too excited when I get more of it. HOWEVER, I *love* me some jasmine tea. A few years ago, I was obsessed with this weird “jasmine pearl” tea that I’d buy in bulk to take to work. It smells (and tastes) sooo friggin’ amazing. I actually just started using the jasmine soap that I got in my Sparaj box and it makes the whole bathroom smell like tea. So yeah, very happy to get this. I had a cup this morning and loved that you can see all of the little jasmine flowers in the bags. Neat. (Amazon Price: $19.95)
Purbliss Soy Candle in Pumpkin Pie Bliss – I’m all about autumn-scented candles. Especially pumpkin ones. So clearly I was stoked to see this bad boy. It’s made with 100% pure soybean wax using non-GMO soy. It’s also hand-poured right here in the USA. Woo! Oh, and the scent… Quite possibly the best-smelling pumpkin candle I have ever sniffed. Seriously. I wanna eat it. (Retail Price: $6.95)
Chocolita Raw White Chocolate Bar – This little bar square of chocolate is fair trade, vegan, and raw. It’s made with heirloom cacao, organic seeds, and sweeteners. I’ve never had raw white chocolate before, so this will be a fun treat. (Retail Price: $3.79)
Juvo Raw Food Powders – These are 4 different packets of raw powder supplement blend… thingies. I’m not really a fan of supplements, but I’ll make it a point to throw these into my smoothies just so they get used.
Barre Black Swan Chocolate Berry Bar – I just got one of these in my last Healthy Surprise box. It was decent. It’s a food bar made with all natural ingredients, developed by professional dancers to provide them with “nutritional balance and natural energy”. (Amazon Price: Roughly $2.00)
There were also sample packets of anti-aging creams from derma e, but I forgot to take a picture of them. Oops.
Vegan Presence is only $20/month (purchased at $60 for 3 mos) or less with a 6-month commitment. You can also buy a trial box for a one-time cost of $23. The total of this month’s products came to $32.69 — and that’s not even including the supplement packets for derma e samples. Awesome! If you decide to sign up, please let them know that Wendy Rose (or 2 little rosebuds) sent you! 😀
Disclosure: I purchased this with my own funds. I was not compensated in any way. All opinions are my own. Amazon prices subject to change. Post may contain affiliate links.
I loved this months box too!! After last month, it was on my “cancel list” but not anymore. I liked the variety of products.
Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of last month’s box at all… But this one totally made up for it. The candle smells soooo friggin’ GOOD!!
That tea looks divine!
– KW
Currently I am not a subscriber to Vegan Presence and at $20/month I think that’s a bargain to get turned onto unique small business products. More importantly, It’s small businesses in this country like Vegan Presence that will get the economy back on track because they will be the ones to put their hard-earned cash back into their business which in-turn helps the economy. Though I am not totally opposed to the corporate (big Business) world because it has its place, their mission in life is to the bottom line and to their stakeholders and that’s it. At best they provide employment and products that evidently we can’t live without but beyond that they hardly ever give back. There was a time in this country where we (USA) were dependant only on ourselves and we need to get back to that.
Vegan Presence’s (small) business and the service they provide is no small undertaking. It takes a great amount of time, research and effort to provide their customers with unique products that meet their company vision. So there’s a bad month every once in awhile. Look at the bigger picture; we need to support the small business world, here in the USA, in order to take back our country from big business. Remember they are really not in this for our best interest. Vegan Presence and hundreds of other small businesses like them have a customer first attitude, so let’s continue to support them, and I will put my money where my mouth is and subscribe.