Well hello. It’s been quite a while (years!) since I’ve written a non-review/deal post and I’ve got the itch to “drop in”… So here I am!
Let’s see, what’s new…
Have you ever sold your house and purchased a new one in the midst of a global pandemic? I have! And it was just as awful as you’d imagine. I’m not exaggerating when I say we had nearly 100 showings (90 to be exact) before we got an acceptable offer. Thankfully, in the end it was all worth it and we love our new (to us) home. Finally no more 80’s wallpaper! Woo!

My twin girls — the inspiration behind the name/very existence of this site — are almost 9 years old and I’d really like for time to just slow down a smidge. Whomever said “the days are long but the years are short” wasn’t kidding. Time freakin’ FLIES.

Along with our new house, we’ve also acquired a new pet… Snaily the snail! We found her in the school parking lot (where she was nearly run over) and decided to bring her home. She lives in a glass fish bowl, eats lots of carrots & lettuce, stubbornly refuses her expensive “snail protein” mix, and is very loved.

Along with subscription boxes, I’ve discovered another love for… stuffed cows. Specifically, Squishmallow cows. They’re adorable, super squishy, and ridiculously hard to find. I’ll never disclose how much I’ve shelled out on eBay for these things (ugh!), but they make us happy. One of the girls just made a painting of them for me as an early birthday present and I seriously want to frame it. 😉

I’ve also found myself yearning for a more minimalist lifestyle, which can be tricky when you review subscription boxes for a living. (It’s a bit comical how many things around our house have come from subscription services.) More on that another time…
Welp, I think that’ll do for now.
I’m not sure how many non-review posts like I’ll be sharing, but they’ll definitely be sprinkled in here and there.
Thanks for reading!
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